The uniqueness of the Mask Dance, the Origin until the Philosophy which is so Rich

Indonesia is indeed never endless to get to know the culture. In addition to natural attractions, Indonesia also has cultural attractions out, you know. One mask dance. Mask dances are located in different regions with its own characteristics. As to whether the mask dance is it ? Consider the following explanation;



Betawi people indeed have the art of traditional dance that is quite famous. In addition to Lenong, Dance Mask is also included in the list of cultural flagship of the betawi people. Betawi Mask Dance arts from Jakarta this usually starts with the music being played. After that the dancers enter and have put on the mask.

The mask-this mask is later embedded in the face with a way of being bitten. They dance to be with the theme presented. Starting from the legend, social criticism, with up to people’s lives. This dance is like it has a story. Now Mask Betawi many staged as cultural performances. The uniqueness and richness of gestures make the dance remains popular with the public.


The thousand islands tourist is also saving the cultural diversity of loh. Balinese mask dance one of them is a lure for the province that is capitalized in Denpasar .Balinese Mask dance is similar to the performances of drama which has the story. Despite that all of this is done with the movement. Moreover, Balinese Mask Dance is known to have a storyline.

Usually there is a narrator who reads the play the story of this dance. The narrator is uniquely also wearing a mask but a realistic mask worn mask half face. Furthermore, the Mask Dance of Bali is played with the background music of the gamelan. The use of the mask in the typical dances of Bali is a form of worship to the ancestors of the community. Every dance was staged, it has the best of the many spectators to enjoy the dance.


The city is nicknamed the city of a producer of shrimp the most of this turned out to also have a dance that must use the mask of loh. Could even spelled out the mask dance is a spectacle of cultural mainstay in the City of Cirebon. Cirebon Mask dance indeed has many variations starting from the variation of the area to the variation of the mask itself. In terms of movement, this dance is determined by a mask of what to wear .


The unexpected turns out Magelang city also has the art of the dance of its own, and accompanied by the mask be a part that can’t be separated from the Mask Dance Magelang. The Mask dance Magelang or most commonly known Dance Topeng Ireng, a dance that is performed rolling, players can reach 10 or more people. One of allure dance mask is a costume worn by the dancers.

Really out of clothes or costumes Java. The costume worn is actually more typical or identical with the clothing of the indigenous Dayak tribes of Borneo. As in this dance, the dancers ‘ mouths will be screaming, their feet are already embedded objects such as bracelets will continue to stick so it will cause a rattling sound. Not to mention the applause from the audience as a form of appreciation.


The city dubbed as the City of Apples this turns out to also have the distinctive art of dance masked loh precisely in the city of Malang has the art of dance mask Malangan. Mask dance on Malang also has a storyline as is the case with the mask dance that originated from Bali.

But, if seen again this dance is also similar to the traditional art of Java, it is known with the puppet people. Malangan Mask dance has a mastermind that sets the course of the story. In addition, there are four sessions to perform this dance. Although unique and quite epic, original art from the city of Malang is now beginning to quiet staging and endangered species.

The same as the traditional dances of other, dance mask also has a uniqueness that is typical. What is the uniqueness of the mask dance ? The mask dance is known to have the implied meaning in his every move. Its meaning is actually describing the human that is different.

When the baby, a period known as can not do anything without the help of others. Continue to the growth of the baby become a child, the love of the game. This growth is growing more into the mature phase, where has the character of a wise or to evil. Everything depends from the personal to the person. Like that dance mask specifies the implied message to the uniqueness of mask dance.


Dance mask has 5 different characters based on the character. Each character also has style as well as the motion of its own. The following 5 characters and the philosophy of mask dance;

1. Banner Mask

Topeng Panji has a gentle and gentle nature, so he has a white philosophy. This Panji mask has slanted eyes with thin eyebrows and a slightly open mouth. Panji masks are specifically designed to be moved/danced with very smooth movements. This Panji mask symbolizes holiness just like a newborn human.

2. Parmindo/SAMBA Mask

This type of mask has a color combination with salted egg paint. This mask also has a decoration wrapped around the forehead of the mask by forming small eyes and thin eyebrows. His mouth is open so you can see his teeth. The nose shape of this mask is made rather small and sharp. This mask has a character depicting joy and youth.

3. Rumyang Mask

Rumyang mask with a lively virtuous character accompanied by pink paint. This mask has similarities with the Samba/Parmindo mask, but this mask has similarities with the Samba/Parmindo mask, but this mask also has a difference, namely it has a decoration in the form of curls. This mask has a character with a subtle and open character.

4. Tumenggung Mask

Tumenggung mask with pink knight Wanda. This mask has large, wide-eyed eyes with medium eyebrows and a large, wide-open mouth. Above his lips has a thick mustache to the tip of the mouth. The character of this mask is dashing and brave.

5. KLANA Mask

Klana mask with wanda and red. This mask is characterized by large eyes, a sharp nose, a bushy mustache, a beard, and a forehead decorated with curls. This mask is rude, arrogant, fierce and angry at the same time.

I don’t think that dancing using a mask is also an art from our culture. But every top.

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